Everybody do the Cartman dance, because we’re about to go to CASA BONITA!! Cliff divers, Blackbart’s Cave, mariachi bands, and terrible food. It’s a veritable mini Mexican Disneyland for kids and families alike, complete with vintage style costume photography, and a fake gorilla show . The closest thing I could find to food was the nachos plate and some sopaipillas for dessert. A special thanks to Ashley and Rob (and pets Mowgli, Diver, Tiger and “other cat”) for generously opening their Denver home to us and bringing us to Casa Bonita, the most wonderful place on….that particular block of Colfax Ave. Nature awaits us on the next legs of our journey, so stay tuned to see the beauty of the American West.
Happy Travels!
Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it’s very unique & refreshing…